Make sure to get a good night's sleep before your shoot. This will help you look your best and ensure you have enough energy for your shoot. (Also, it'll make you more pleasant to spend half a day with! LOL)
Set your alarm so you wake up with plenty of morning to get everything done in time without being stressed.
Shave your legs, underarms, and bikini line on the morning of your session.
Arrive at the studio with clean, DRY hair with no product in it.
Note: If you normally need product to tame wild or frizzy hair, go ahead and use that.
Come make-up free. A clean, moisturized face - along with eye cream and lip balm - is all you should have. This will help your hair and makeup artist to have a clean canvas on which to work, and means you'll be looking your absolute best in your photos!
Don't forget to moisturize. Your hands, feet, elbows, knees, etc. will look so much better on camera if you do. Also, don't wear white deodorant - clear only, please.
Make sure the bottoms of your feet are clean, because they will likely be in some of your photos.
Bras, socks, and some underwear will indented red lines into your skin. Since those take so long to fade (and are a photo editor's nightmare), please come to your shoot wearing baggy, loose-fitting clothes, no bra, and no socks.
In the morning, eat! Make sure it's healthy and not too heavy or filling. Also, bring healthy snacks with you - we're going to be working straight through lunch!
Drinking water is always a healthy choice, but is extra important on the day of your shoot. And remember to keep sipping water throughout your shoot.
Please be on time. Your hair and makeup artist has other clients to travel to and will have a hard stop time. Every minute late is a minute less for you in hair and makeup.